Demo Preparations

By Vitor Akiyama


Hang in there everyone! We're all getting quite busy with Harmony as we prepare to hit a major milestone for our project this week!

Our focus has shifted from developing our application to preparing for our midterm presentation. Let's see how our project management, task assignment and feature focus has changed as a consequence.

Presentation Key frames

We started off our week a differently than usual. Instead of assigning and identifying tasks, we began by determining exactly how our presentation is going to look, including which screens we're navigating to, what buttons and interactions we will have and what feedback the app should give.

After precisely figuring out what our ideal presentation will be, we all go to work on planning our week in accordance.

D3 Design Team

D3 has been quite busy this week! Here's an overview of their incredible (and relentless) work.

Style Guide completion

Work was done to determine our colors, typography, brand mascot, UI components and iconography. With all of these details sorted out, D3 could confidently move on to our high fidelity designs in preparation for the presentation.


By running a poll and having some team discussion, we determined that the AI features are critical to our application and important for us to show on our presentation. Thus, a mascot has been created to represent our AI assistant! We're setting up our mascot with as much animation and character as we can to show off on the big screen.

Planning for promotional video

D3 has been organizing and planning an upcoming promotional video for Harmony. We don't wanna spoil anything, so keep an eye out for that!

Presentation Planning

This presentation requires some planning. D3 have been preparing slides, scripts and segments of the presentation, and we're having a final meeting before the date to get everyone up to speed. After all, what's all this work for if we're not able to show it?

High Fidelity

Here's the big one. The bulk of the work from D3 has been on the high fidelity designs. I've been spending my week watching 3 Figma cursors bringing our low fidelity designs to life with colors, images, interactions, badges and content.

The team has been hard at work bridging the gap from all of our ideation, feature planning, discussion and vision into the look and feel of our final app.

We're all excited to see what we can capture and bring to the screen this week in our upcoming presentation.

Quite a bit of work for a team of 3 designers! We're all trying to figure out how they're doing it. Rumors of a high Redbull intake are widespread.


This dev team won't stop building! We're hard at work taking the incredible design material we've been given and turning them into coloured lines of text on a code editor. Oh, and an awesome app too.

Harmony AI

The Harmony AI companion is here and (mostly) ready to help! We're emulating their ability to access data about the team and recipient in service of testing. Screens for a call like voice mode have been created, and connected with Anthropic's Claude Sonnet 3.5 language model.

For the presentation, we plan to demo the voice call feature of the app! We're bringing our own speaker and getting some lines ready. I won't spoil any more than that, but we're planning our highlight moment of the demo around it.

Also, friendly reminder that Lang Graph will slow down your iteration speed by 10 times. You have been warned.


I won't lie, Angus and Annabelle knocked it out of the park with their Journal screens in previous sprints, and now they're putting on the final touches for our demo coming up.

We've narrowed our focus this week on our medication journal entries based on our demo plan.


Here's that other critical feature! Calendars are complex UI components, and we're implementing a lot of it from scratch. This will serve as the pinboard that our journal entries stick to, as well as any events and tasks.

In preparation for the demo, Max has been working in close collaboration with our designers to create the screens and functionality we'll be showing off, focusing on our weekly view.

Just don't say "Calendar" around Max this week. It's become a trigger word, and we're wishing him a speedy recovery.

Home, navigation, headers

Emmy brought forward a laser sharp focus on our demo related home and navigation UI this week. Ahead of schedule, we've got these screens ready and looking good for our demo this week!

As per team policy, we'll have to assign her twice the amount of work next sprint. Next time, print our working agreement in stone.

Auth, Oauth and some more auth

Authentication is fully setup! This is crucial for our team centric app, and we have nice custom screens for login and register pages.

We'd leave the default Kinde authentication screens on instead, but our onboarding designs were just too pretty not to implement. Blame our designers.

And that's the update!

We've been busy and we're only getting busier! Thanks for reading our update.

We've got a lot of exciting things building up in the next couple weeks! Stay tuned and have a good one!